I am writing this on the morning of Friday, July 22nd, 2022.
It’s been a quiet week. I spent the whole week camped out downstairs away from the heat. I’ve slept a lot at odd hours and listened to a lot of music and have done almost no writing or other useful and productive things. The dishes are piled up, but the house has definitely been much worse.
It’s not all bad. My friend came over and built a bookshelf into the game room window, and Sunday we had a fun and dramatic RPG night on Discord.
I’m out of coffee. I need to buy groceries but even Aldi is more expensive now. Prices on everything have gone up in the last two years, along with record breaking corporate profits.
And that’s about it. Life, even during a slow motion apocalypse, continues on.
I’ve rewritten the next part of this twice now. It’s not even 7am yet, and even in this message to the future I don’t want to get lost in the weeds of my fears for global events for the rest of my life and beyond. It’s too early for all that.
For now I’ll just repeat that I’m not optimistic about the future. Things have been trending Worse my entire adult life, and that Worse train is really trying to gain enough momentum to become permanent.
Hopefully you’re reading this in a time where the history is more “Things were pretty rocky in the first half of the 21st century, but eventually through a lot of hard work we made it better, in some places.”, and not “The late 20th century is generally regarded as the great Golden Age, before everything was terrible forever.”
You can imagine why I deleted the more detailed ramblings about that.
Okay, that’s all for now. I’ll try to sit down for some deep thoughts this next week.
I do want to say thank you to everyone who is reading this in my present day. I really do appreciate it, and I really do hope that each and every one of you are as well as you can be, considering all of everything.
Until next time, stay safe future people.
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